The Four Sovereignties

17 03 2017

We will begin a total renegotiation with the European Union in order to get back our monetary, legislative, territorial, and economic sovereignty” ~M. Le Pen, 2017


Do any groups of Afrikan people presently have these four sovereignties? Definitely not the Afrikans in the USA and other diasporas! I can say that with absolute certainty. It is also highly questionable for Afrikan “nations” on the continent. Why is that? But a more important question, why is it that no significant political party, political faction, constituency, or political block are campaigning for these fundamental Four Sovereignties? Yet the Euro-racists that well-meaning, liberal-identified Afrikans say practice global white supremacy unceasingly, are using these four sovereignties as an active political plank. Do they know something about national organization that we don’t or have forgotten?


Why are European political parties, one after the other threatening and actually delivering on threats to leave the European Union, but not one Afrikan political movement exists of any note to leave the African Union? Is the African Union such a model of success that no political formation wants to leave it out of sheer exasperation and dissatisfaction? Are we to believe the Afrikan nations have succeeded in instituting a continental union government where the Europeans have not and Asians have not even attempted? Yet the Asians, led by China and Japan, are rising global powers. Iran, who is not a member of any continental union, is becoming a regional power force and has succeed, despite economic sanctions, to design, build, and test satellites and missile systems. Where is at least one Afrikan nation’s space program? Is this the kind of development the AU has delivered with their coterie of non-Afrikan led NGO’s and foreign experts advising them on the proper path for development?


Why is it that when I see the legislative bodies in Europe, Asia, and Arab countries (excluding Sudan), I see bio-genetic homogeneity, but in the AU, it’s a multicultural orgy of every carpetbagger and ne’er do well, schlepping and fronting for eastern and western, Asian and white-liberal, pet projects for a litany of non-starter and totally irrelevant programs such as: women’s empowerment, poverty reduction, the green economy, environmental protection, anti-poaching, HIV/AIDS, anti-corruption. vaccination, children’s adoption, infrastructure development, and religious proselytization?


Who is putting MONEY into the pockets of Afrikans?


Why is the number one industry in most Afrikan nations either tourism, resource extraction firms, or NGOs? Is this 21st development? Have these programs stemmed the tide of migrants who have given up on their societies and have chosen to risk life and limb to be second or third class citizens in Europe and North America whose sociopolitical classes are quickly organizing to detain and deport them? Why are the most radical voices in geo-politics today, (that can be heard anyway) the nationalist movements of Europe? Where are the media outlets owned and operated by Afrikans that promote a decidedly Afrikan agenda and not just regurgitating entertainment news and gossip from expatriate Afrikans living lascivious lifestyles in the colonial metropoles? Why aren’t these Afrikan entertainment moguls at least developing businesses and markets in Afrikan via Nollywood and other areas instead of begging whites and so-called jews for trinkets and recognition in the form of awards?

These are just a few essential questions that should be being asked but are not by an equivocating media class and business leaders unwilling to take a political stand to jealously pursue their group interests in a group run world.

Interracial Relationships Are Destructive To Afrikan People

17 03 2017
An Essay On The Politics of the Penis and the Paycheck

People underestimate the power of DNA because we don’t understand that DNA is our bio-genetic inheritance from all of our ancestors; which is a physical manifestation of how they evolved from time immemorial. DNA is transmitted to us through our parents and most of our DNA is directly from them, so this means that if someone is mixed, (even if they are “cool”) they will always have a fundamental confusion about their very bio-genetic existence, and not necessarily their social existence. This is where we as Afrikan people are confused. The different genetic lines, as well as the psychological histories of the peoples associated with the two different DNAs, are perpetually competing for self-actualization. In the long run, it is a fight the mixed person is bound to lose. The results of this lost battle by the mixed individual usually negatively affect the group from which they come who has the least power or knowledge of self. In today’s world, this is the African group.

It is a tragedy that this man in the video already has two mixed children. He had to learn the hard way. This is what happens when we don’t control the educational and socialization system of African people. This is why I am revolted by the negro class. Not only do they have no race loyalty, but they can’t even do something for Afrikan people in general, even if it is in the negro’s material/business interest to do so.

Take for example Star Jones, a supreme negro. She ran her mouth on The View for damn near a decade, talking about inane topics of no consequence only to be fired by a vindictive so-called jew who felt her negro pet was trying to bite the hand that fed her. Be that as it may, this idiot didn’t even have the business sense to trade in on her name so that in the event of being fired by white mommy, she could at least have some social cache in her community to sustain her subsequent career. Instead, like many a negro, she waited around like a stray dog until white daddy threw her a bone to comment on issues like the Travon Martin case. If she had any intelligence like she alleges, she could have started a school to train a new generation of legal secretaries, paralegals, and even could have started an undergraduate college training people in pre-law before they entered law school. If she had marketed her schools in Afrikan areas of the US, her name recognition alone would have helped to promote the school and maintain a revenue stream. Eventually, she could have started her own law school and helped Afrikans in the USA take over the legal profession, like the so-called jews did in the 20th century. Case in point is Brandeis University which was named after a white, so-called jewish Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court.

Bill Cosby could have done the same with a teachers college. Instead of blaming youth for stealing pound cake, he could have commissioned a study to determine what are the relevant types of skills and information that African youth need to learn to be economically successful in the 21st century. He could have offered 100, 150, or even 250 thousand dollars for the study to really do it right and have a team of researchers publish their findings along with a recommended curriculum. After which, he could have sold the report as a book to recoup the money and then followed the recommendations by starting a teacher’s college offering a sole program in an undergraduate degree in education. In addition, he could have offered three degree “tracks” to study elementary education, secondary education, and education administration.  Moreover, for teachers already certified and licensed, he could have offered a professional certification program to be done online, by correspondence, or in classroom and eventually replicated this program throughout the USA.

Both of these programs would have been very lucrative businesses and would have saved these people from making careers and scoring points by criticizing Afrikan people and actually have done something to solve the problems while making money doing so. If Donald Trump thought it was a good business venture to start his own university, where was Bill Cosby, Star Jones, and Oprah Winfrey? Where is Puff Daddy’s music school for young Afrikans to train them in business and music production? These people are fake and they have no thoughts independent of white liberal talking points because they all work in an industry dominated by fags, white liberals and so-called jews.

You may ask what does this have to do with mixed-race people and interracial dating. It is because of something said in this video which had me thinking about the fact that people don’t change by hearing a moralizing sermon. People change because it is in their material interest to do so. In the video, the woman is cautioning and advising Afrikan women about the cunning nature of non-Black women vis-a-vis dating and procreating with Afrikan men, and I feel she is correct in this assessment. The level of economic competition has increased and this is related to sexual relations because non-Afrikan women know full well that it takes two to tango in the bedroom and in the boardroom. Meaning that women need the penis and the paycheck of a man to survive in the present environment. If a man simply has a job, and is heterosexual, that is enough for some non-Black women in the present day, because a lot of these women come from overpopulated societies where men have the pick of the litter and generally don’t marry women who are older than 30 years old. Changing the material conditions of Afrikan people would go a long way in reducing the temptation and competition from other women vying for Afrikan male sperm and finance. Without institutions directly in the control of Afrikan people which can put money in the pockets of Black men and/or offer opportunity for a viable career within the Black community, both Afrikan men and women will continued to be drawn by the siren song of different races to mate as they spend their working lives in the employ of other races as well.

Most people change their behavior when they enter a working environment. It is done in order to maintain the working relationship and benefit by reaping the resources available at the place of employment. Unless and until Afrikan people control the educational and employment opportunities available to Afrikan men (and the power which follows from such) we will not be able to enforce the types of discipline that is necessary to regulate acceptable behavior to ensure our bio-genetic survival. Additionally, this discipline gained from the working environment won’t be then transferred to women and children in our community unless we have this kind of group power and internal hierarchical order (which should be based on legitimate authority, i.e. someone who has the economic skills and wealth to wield such, not just self-appointed “alpha males” or people with charismatic personalities).

A lot of Afrikan men seek non-Afrikan women because there is no social or economic cost. Not only that, there are less requirements to avoid transgressing taboos in alien communities. This is largely because since one will never be a bio-genetic participant of the alien community’s power structure, one is not expected to contribute fundamentally to its existence. Men (and some women) have a free pass when they mate with an alien to avoid the traditions and duties of being a member of either of the races, subsequently one race dies bio-genetically, then culturally and the group with the most cohesive power structure then has a new class of people to dominate. We can see this in India and Brazil now. Afrikans in the USA are not too far behind this trend. It is the mixed children that facilitate to coup de grace in the bio-genetic existence of the race without power. Just look at the Nations of North America who were in the land before the arrival of the Europeans. Look at the native Hawaiians.

Unless Afrikans are clear on who is Afrikan and who is not, and definitively discriminate positively towards Afrikan people in social and economic relations, group power will remain elusive, and our survive questionable.

What is ACBN?

24 02 2016

Afrikan-Centered Biological Nationalism (ACBN) is a sociopolitical-economic ideology which defines Afrikans by biological traits for the purposes of organizing a set of socioeconomic relations to achieve power for Afrikan people. ACBN relates to areas of activity within the social, economic, political and spiritual spheres of Afrikan life and existence. The main purposes are to engineer a social system in which Afrikans psychologically and socially seek their primary relations with other Afrikan people for work, education, organization, recreation, and procreation. ACBN is designed to protect the genetic integrity of Afrikans and insure the genetic survival of Afrikans and the Afrikan genome as it has existed from time immemorial.

ACBN defines¹ an Afrikan / Black person as one who is clearly a “close” descendant of people from East Afrika, a region comprised of countries now known as Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. Afrikans’ color variation ranges from bronze, dark reddish-brown, dark or nut brown, dark-chocolate color plus “peppercorn” hair. It² does not include people with a non-Afrikan parent or people who are living on the Afrikan continent but do not fit the above described phenotype. It does not include all of humanity based on the darwinian theory of evolution or any other unproven theory of human origin or “Out of Africa” hypothesis.


Social relations
ACBN recognizes that it is the set and system of social relations inherent in a cultural civilization that defines how goods and services are exchanged, information is conveyed, and individuals are to succeed based on developing and applying their individual and collective talents within the population. ACBN recognizes that the foundation of this system must reside in building families and extended families via the institution of male and female procreative realities and capabilities. Inter-racialism, or promotion of pseudo-scientific theories such as the “one drop” rule and “Black dominant genes” are rejected. Instead, the relationship between the Afrikan man and Afrikan women within the context of the familial community and its connection to the larger society is fostered and promoted preeminently.

Furthermore, relationships within the collective for industrial productive capacity are encouraged among groups of Afrikan men distinct from groups of Afrikan women. The same is encouraged and promoted for groups of Afrikan women. The youth are socialized into this reality of a division of roles with respect to one’s biological functionality within one’s genetically determined sex. This does not negate the need for Afrikan men and Afrikan women to work together in non-sexual industrially productive capacities as well.


ACBN recognizes that no ideology can succeed or find advocates which does not provide a material benefit to its adherents. Therefore, a practical and viable economic approach which focuses, in part, on Afrikan principles of Nguzo Saba are infused throughout the programs and policies which are adopted. Economic policies are conceived from the basis of the Afrikan worldview which included collective responsibility, collective work, and collective benefit which are balanced by individual commitment, individual development, and individual accountability. Specifically, Afrikan-centered culture and warrior-hood are to be pervaded throughout the economic enterprises which sustain the material existence and comfort for Afrikan people. Expectations to reflect the values, ethics, history, aesthetics and mores of Afrikan culture is demanded and through a system of reward and punishment are reinforced in the conceptual approach to functioning in daily life. To put it simply, in the ACBN society, “you don’t bite the hand that feeds you” and Afrikan people are the ones who do the feeding.


Economic policy recommendations will focus on the essential areas a civilization needs to survive such as food production, health maintenance, military, crafts manufacturing and infrastructure building. Strategic areas of growth will also be encouraged so that Afrikans gain control of large and essential parts of economic activity, such as software engineering, mining, aerospace engineering, communications, information technology, weapons technology, medical research, energy and transportation, kwk.


ACBN being the ideological underpinning of a socio-political economic system does entertain the formations of schools of thought in the different areas of human activity and intellectual development. This tendency in human affairs leads to the development of factions which seek to satisfy certain constituencies within the social order. Even though this phenomenon is encouraged and the subsequent sub-political formations will be integrated into the society as a whole, all such parties will be counter-revolutionary and conservative with respect to the ACBN ideology and its fundamental foundation in the Afrikan worldview. The essential social theory that provides the groundwork out of which will spring groups which both agitate for representation in the institutional network of society, and seek to have a relevant voice in the distribution of resources, will be that the genetic survival of authentic Afrikans is the basis of our system of social relations and that non-Afrikans do not have a bio-genetic stake in the survival of the Afrikan genome and cannot be considered relevant in the panoply of issues that naturally will arise when engaged in direct and indirect management of the power, wealth, growth, development, maintenance, and well-being of Afrikan people.


One of the most profound attacks on Afrikans historically was the introduction of foreign ideologies masquerading as religions onto the Afrikan psyche. Much research has been done by Afrikan-centered scholars and researchers to reclaim authentic Afrikan ancestral religions and the diverse way in which they were manifested, recorded, instituted, and practiced. It has been concluded through copious research and in voluminous publications that, for Afrikans, the acceptance of foreign ideologies masquerading as religions is a violent psychological attack and jeopardizes the bio-genetic survival of Afrikans both directly and indirectly. This renders the acceptance of religions which are not designed for the survival of Afrikan people moot and judged by the historical record as being a material and immaterial detriment to the health of Afrikans in the mental, intellectual, and physical spheres of existence.

Therefore, since all civilizations need an ethereal thought system to undergird the conceptual superstructure of the civilization, Afrikan ancestral religions will be promoted and instituted throughout the society to address the spiritual nature of authentic Afrikan people as our ancestors had identified and codified through numerous texts, artifacts, and literature. Since all sane, self-interested geno-cultural groups enshrine the worship of their own image through the depiction of their deities and the practice of ancestral communion, this will be the fundamental spiritual approach with regard to the establishment of the major religious institutions and celebratory rituals commonly known as “holy days” or holidays which will provide the spiritual satisfaction for Afrikans in this area of human life.

1. Definition taken from the online journal African Centered Biological Journal retrieved from on January 17, 2016.

2. This begins my additions to the definition.

Lightskinism- A New Term

4 02 2016

The European not only colonized the world, but he colonized knowledge and knowledge of the world. He even colonized the image of god!” JHC

The above quote is one of my favorites from Professor John Henrik Clarke because in it, he is basically saying that if Afrikans are to regain any sort of power, we have to start to define knowledge and the concepts that the knowledge describe and refer to in our own self-interested terms, especially if we continue using yurugu’s language. The more correct term I like to offer for consideration is lightskinism.



Evelyn Books Higginbotham,
Association for the Study of African-American Life and History (ASALH)
National President


Lightskinism is the occurrence of mixed-race people demanding that Afrikans acquiesce to them as being actual bio-genetic Afrikans because IMAs (europeans) have said so or because they are a “conscious” mixed-race person. Furthermore, it’s a disposition that demands Afrikans treat them with deference and/or adoration or it is the deference and/or adoration of mixed-race people by Afrikans over and above actually bio-genetically Afrikan people. We often see this in the area of “Black leaders” in some Afrikan continental nations (Botswana) and the expatriate colonial states like the USA, who are frequently mixed-race individuals and not Afrikan. This is also particularly operable in beauty standards and sexual relations as Afrikans seek to emulate mixed-race people by skin lightening and buying fake hair. However, and most importantly, it is the sexual fetish and fascination Afrikan males (and increasingly some Afrikan females) have specifically for mixed-race women/men in an effort to produce more hybrids through procreation so that there will be more in existence to soothe their shattered egos due to the reality that they are Afrikan without industrial, military, economic, and political power like other major world groups. Hence the only recourse is to attain a fleeting genetic power and the reverence for having had sex with or producing a mixed-race person. This is presently referred to as “colorism”, but the term colorism doesn’t go far enough to explain the phenomenon. This is mainly because some mixed-race people claim that Afrikans are colorist towards “light skinned Blacks” (mixed-race non-Afrikans). This is similar to the charge of reverse racism issued by IMAs. The charge is baseless in both cases because both groups are actively seeking to keep Afrikans powerless on a widespread scale. However, most Afrikans care little to nothing about attaining power over these other groups. Hence it should be correctly termed, “lightskinism”, not colorism.

I welcome your thoughts on this matter.

Socio-Political Fissures in the European Nation

9 12 2015

I define the european nation as, “old europe”, or continental europe, and new europe, or “the expatriate european colonial states” (usa, canada, new zealand, australia, south africa, israel, kwk). In each of these areas we are starting to see fissures in the socio-political narrative and the system of social relations. Different constituencies in these areas are in a skirmish to determine the direction of the global european imperial project (sometimes referred to as globalism, white supremacy, or white hegemony). Immigration is rife throughout all of these enclaves and the “liberal internationalist” factions (which include both the neo-cons and the social liberals — so this means the right/left paradigm is a total fiction) and the “white nationalists” (who are split between the social conservatives, libertarians, and the race realists, a.k.a identitarians) are the two main groups in opposition with each other. There may be more factions, but these are the general political streams of thought percolating among the inbred mutant albino (IMA) nations at present. I will explain some of the features of these groups as I understand them, but suffice it to say, these groups are indeed at loggerheads as to what the character and nature of “whiteness” will be going forward into the 21st century given the political-economic uncertainty and the psycho-sociological upheaval occurring in a world which is more informed, cynical, and hyper-competitive. All of this notwithstanding the rise of powers which will challenge (if not eventually replace) european hegemony as it has existed and been administered from the geopolitical “west”. (The “west” includes the usa and the western eurasian colonial empires such as britain and france).

Generally speaking, whites are torn between either more multiculturalism (which will exist under the conceptual superstructure of eurocentric thought), and ethnocentric enclaves (which are white only and purport to be “not hostile” to non-whites, but just seek to maintain european values allegedly devoid of the serial lies, rape, murder, theft, and pervasive brigandage which characterised the rise of europe and the maintenance of their empire). IMA conceptions of multiculturalism dictates that everyone must be fluent in at least one european language, have european friends and/or a european spouse, and participate predominately in european/eurocentric institutions and pastimes. Followers must also be amenable to any and every european perversion and socially and ideologically driven fad that IMAs can imagine, until such time that IMAs tire of it, and need some new stimuli to satisfy their emptiness.

Now I will attempt to describe the factions in more detail.


These are former “liberals” who were liberal with regard to economic policy which would allow them to “freely” enter markets (other sovereign nations) and jostle for profits against or in partnership with other organised mafia regimes commonly referred to as corporations. They are opposed to open competition, so they seek government protection in the way of regulatory frameworks and financial handouts to support their business enterprises, research and development. This faction includes the sub-ethnic group of IMAs commonly known as “jews” and their germanic tribal cousins.

Social Liberals

These are IMAs people refer to when they speak about an abstract political faction known as the “left”. These are largely a rag-tag group of guilty whites who seek to satisfy their carnal lusts via sexual encounters with members of other races whom they have vanquished. They seek to relish in being worshipped by non-whites as white saviours and commonly adopt negro pets (as well as other non-whites) to prove that they are “open-minded” and “non-racist”. They typically have sexual vices and substance abuse problems and a vague, amorphous definition of social justice. This degeneracy however does not limit their ability to achieve status in IMA society, so often they are professionals such as lawyers, professors, media personalities, and artists. Some have even achieved wealth in the IMA economy and use this to direct and control movements and organisations purported to be in the interests of Afrikans. They support large government spending programs to keep Afrikans from organising an economy for themselves and typically promote negro spokespeople and confused “pro-black” people to propagate leftist ideology. This serves to move Afrikans into a political dead-end and delegitimises the Afrikan nationalist movement.

Social Conservatives

These are people who largely self identify as Christians and claim that the usa was created based on “Judaeo-Christian” ethics (when in fact it is based on military science and legalese). They are against abortion and promote outward displays of Christian piety such as prayer in the schools and benedictions at public events. They pride themselves on their industriousness and self-sufficiency, but once one looks below the surface one will see that they are the beneficiaries of large “white only” government grants and stolen inter-generational wealth in the form of land, and other institutions and capital. They want a return to an era when white life was openly promoted and protected and everything in the society openly reflected their values and image. Some of these people are not in the strictest sense against multiculturalism, that is only if all of the representatives of other cultures adopt “Judaeo-Christian” ethics and reflect an adoration for western (read: european) civilisation, but they are rabidly intolerant of other distinctive cultures existing within their midst which they can’t subjugate or portray as inferior.


These people believe in the fiction of the individual and individually created success. They either reject or are not aware of the fact that an individual succeeds within the context of a social system. They don’t recognise that it is the set of social relations which provide the basis for the individual to realise their individual potential. However, with the utmost irony, they claim that in lieu of the government providing social services, individuals should seek out the essential services from their own community, such as getting nuclear power from your friendly next door nuclear scientist or getting open heart surgery from your cousin. Moreover, these whites who promote the individual as the sine qua non of existence, have seen fit to form a collective in the form of The Libertarian Party who have partnered with The Green Party of America to pursue a legal challenge to the two party duopoly of the USA. They claim that people should be allowed to discriminate positively and negatively, which means if they don’t want certain people in their environments or in their places of business then they should be allowed to restrict access from those people. However, they refuse to recognise the five centuries of brigandage and at least two to three centuries of media propaganda which has destroyed the reputation of other groups of people, and not to mention the fact that IMAs have stolen these other people’s wealth. So, if libertarianism were to start tomorrow, Afrikan people would be at the most severe disadvantage since we have no wealth with which to secure our livelihood and libertarians are staunchly opposed to redistribution of wealth by any federal means. So these people just want to lock in what they have stolen, or have been the beneficiary of, through organised robbery and theft so that no other group can jeopardise their standing in the european imperial project of global white hegemony. The most dangerous thing about libertarians is that they sound rational and are often very knowledgeable about certain features of the project’s financial system. However, their ideology is totally insane and would mean immediate death and extreme chaos for Afrikan people globally if it were administered from the centres of power in the IMA global hegemonic system.

Race Realists

Race realists see multiculturalism and anti-racism as being inherently anti-white which has the ultimate goal of white genocide. They reject the guilt trip that is promoted by the liberals and typically claim that  they are just as much victims as any other group. They claim that most whites weren’t involved in colonialism and enslavement and have not benefitted at all as a result of these crimes. They see whiteness and white only nations as something to hold sacred and many reject christianity as an imperial religion foisted upon them to replace their pagan religions which they practiced prior to domination by the roman empire. They glorify their teutonic lineage and “great aryan heritage” in central and south asia and believe that race is real and inherently matters in the organisation of a society, and that if whites don’t accept this reality, genocide surely awaits. A lot of their rhetoric is similar to Afrikan Nationalist rhetoric accept it is decidedly anti-Afrikan although some of them do recognise nationalist figures whom they wish had succeeded in separating Afrikans and creating a nation for Afrikans only such as, Marcus Garvey. These people see “globalism” as a threat to their survival and are resentful of the liberals and neo-cons for promoting mass immigration into the areas and nations that they inhabit, as well as using their tax dollars to fund foreign wars and wars of conquest instead of maintaining and strengthening “western civilisation”. They also call themselves the “new right” or “communitarians” because they feel the “old right” was co-opted and largely believed in the policies of the liberals and neo-cons. Some of these people are libertarians and some are social conservatives, but what binds them is the idea that whites are a separate culture distinct from other people and that reality should be valued and preserved without them being forced to race-mix with non-whites (especially Afrikans). Many also are vehemently opposed to culturally mixing with the european jew whom some think are the cause of the cultural degeneracy of the west and the undermining of their otherwise “benevolent culture”.



I described these factions because in my view Afrikans should stop chasing after inclusion in one political faction of IMAs just because they are at war with the another faction of IMAs in the hopes of winning favours by the victorious faction in the IMA civil war. We have done this repeatedly and each time we have been denied the attainment of any goal we used as a justification for partnering with one or another faction. In fact, ofttimes we only served as canon fodder in order to realise the fleeting promise of “freedom, brotherhood, & equality”. It is my view that Afrikan Centered Biological Nationalism (ACBN) is the appropriate political rationale that will serve the power interests of Afrikans. This ACBN rationale speaks to all of the factors that go into building and maintaining a civilisation because ACBN includes the social, psychological, biological, political, economic, technological, historical, linguistic, and spiritual aspects of an authentic civilisation which can be designed and fashioned in the interests of authentic Afrikan people, and most importantly, for the survival of Afrikan people. We, Afrikans, have wasted a lot of time being marxists, socialists, liberals, and the newest fad the “black conservative”. The one common thread in all of these ideologies is that the most successful adherents to them have all been preoccupied with chasing sexual favours and marriage with non-Afrikan people, and most often european males and females. This should indicate that the ideological design of these philosophies only serve IMAs and not Afrikans. Moreover, the common by-product of them is to create more confused and disruptive mixed-race people whom the whites reject. These offspring then enter Afrikan ranks to sow more confusion and disorder. It is time that Afrikans focus on Afrikans’ problems, and through that endeavour, strive to build power in order to secure our existence from these eurasians who aim at, and are capable of, destroying us.

The Modern Slave Plantation

1 08 2015

*Note: Please watch the short video (2:56)  first before reading my commentary. My editorial evaluates the story presented in this press release from an Afrikan Centered Biological Nationalist (ACBN) perspective.

What’s going on here? Most people at first glance will say this is technological development. They will say this is Afrika coming into the 21st century. They will say this is opportunity. Opportunities for JOBS. They might also say any criticisms by any Pan-Afrikanist, Black Nationalist, or Afrikan Centered Biological Nationalist (ACBN) is misplaced and because these ideologies haven’t built anything and can’t offer the Afrikans in the video jobs, and that we should just shut up. However, naysayers to this type of criticism would not recognize that what is depicted in this video press release is simply a modern day slave plantation.


Nevertheless, many people would not see that this is a slave plantation, but it is. It is a slave plantation in this way. Who is the management/owner class? They are not only non-Afrikans, but they are so-called white men…from europe. What’s happening in europe right now? Their economy is failing. What’s happening in united states right now? Their economy is failing. The market for establishing online retail “one-stop shop” websites like Amazon is saturated in the usa and europe. So all of these white kids who graduated with their IT degree, who were also trained to be entrepreneurs and seek power are descending onto the Afrikan continent to then start companies. (At the same time mind you that Afrikans are risking life and limb to go to europe) The news story purports that these whites are ostensibly going to “help” build an Afrikan middle class or offer opportunities that we nationalists can’t do because we allegedly “just talk”.


However, this criticism against ACBN and other “Black Power” ideologies misses an essential point which is that this endeavor will change the social character of Afrikan societies towards one which is more beneficial for non-Afrikans to prosper. They will use the technology as a mirage to beguile the people, while at the same time, the market that exists right now (and the social relations that stem from that) will be surreptitiously dismantled and destroyed. Additionally, another outcome will be to get the loyalties of the Afrikans focused on the europeans even more than it is right now. Once the europeans establish themselves as the major industry players, Afrikans will not be able to secure power for ourselves. This is why ideology and consciousness is so important BEFORE embarking upon a socioeconomic enterprise. Because if you only limit your analysis to whether or not one has a job and the creation of an Afrikan middle class, you’ll miss the big picture. The big picture entails who the OWNERS and MANAGERS will be. It entails who will be the DIRECTORS and the SOCIAL ENGINEERS of the growth of society and the system of social relations that derive from that process. It entails how will everyone’s attitudes, values, and desires be orientated. In the situation in the video, they will obviously be oriented towards the people that give them jobs.


Yet another outcome from this will be the fact that as other sectors of society start to erode and family relations breakdown, this so-called Afrikan middle class will be protecting the white colonial class against the masses because everyone can’t sit in front of a computer and be technological support staff, programmer, or designer. However, status in society will be based upon who has the wherewithal to purchase items from this website. Invariably affording a higher status to the Afrikans who do the best job at making white people rich. So they are starting with the young students in university who are being taught and socialized to believe that any development is OK and that it doesn’t matter how it’s done or who does it.


Now with regard to the infrastructure that they mentioned in the video. That will take a large amount of capital expenditure by companies who have the capacity and knowledge to put in fiber optic networks and increase and extend the network communications capability. It will require construction workers who can pave the roads so you can build the physical ability to deliver the goods the website purports to want to sell. They are going to need construction workers to build warehouses and that’s going to take materials such as concrete and steel. Furthermore they will need architects to plan this, so this is a widespread project that he is calling for, so the question remains, who will be investing? Who will be providing the financial capital to do this? Do you think the Nigerian central bank will be doing this? Companies that are in the financial services business make their money by providing debt, which means giving out loans and taking in the interest payments as profits. So if the central bank of Nigeria has not yet made available funds for capital expenditure and infrastructure building then there is no way on earth that the capital that is necessary to build this infrastructure, which this white man is talking about in this video, will be provided by the Nigerians. It will be provided by foreign nationals or foreign central/private banks most likely from europe or the united states.


So this is a creeping crisis. What most Afrikans will say (because they don’t have an ACBN ideology, which is an ideology that helps secure Afrikans’ very survival) is, “Oh, isn’t this great, there is finally development coming to Nigeria! They all have jobs now”, and they will fail to do any critical analysis. In fact, this company was owned by a group of Afrikan men recently and they mysteriously sold it after experiencing exponential growth in their market share (the percentage of their presence in the online retail market). So I suspected at the time that some kind of other organized mafia came in a said, “Nope, you’re not going to own this market, you are not going to control this market.” So after a little investigation I found out that the buyers were financed by J.P. Morgan Chase, and anybody who knows the history of J.P Morgan knows that he was little more than a thug in a three-piece suit. So the investment bank which bears his name probably made the Afrikan men an offer they couldn’t refuse.


So this is another problem of consciousness and ideology. Afrikans globally have collectively failed to understand that economics is essentially about market control. Markets are controlled through the military. The usa can enforce its dollar hegemony on the globe because it ensures the transport of commodities to particular markets that it owns and controls. If you use your military to control the waterways, flight routes, and thoroughfares through which goods can be extracted and taken to other manufacturing plants and have value added to them by industrial processes, and then taken to a market and sold, then you have POWER. It doesn’t matter if you have a job or not in that system. Whichever GROUP can control and secure the transport of goods to a market that it controls is the one in POWER. So in this system, a system of genocide not only on Afrikans, but on the natural world, the management class of that system, especially if they set-up shop in a foreign country can logically be nothing but criminals and mercenaries. In my view this is the proper analysis to come to when looking at a video like this. So this is an essay to teach how to analyze what is happening in the world and particularly to Afrikans through an ACBN perspective so one can see the practicality of the ideology. People will look at a video like this and say, “Yes! This is a good thing!”, but when you look deeper, this is the start of the systematic genocide on the continent. How did the europeans first go to north america and everywhere around the world? They established a colony, which was an economic enterprise complete with a charter and mission statement with the INTENT to take over the market (the entire land mass) and to systematically remove any hindrance or barrier from their total market dominance which includes people, and which will include Afrikans on the continent itself if we are not careful.

Yurugu’s New Eunuch

1 06 2015
Would you trust this male to defend you if a racist white hegemonist were mistreating you because you are an Afrikan and not white? Would this male defend your right to subscribe to an ideology and system designed for the survival of Afrikan people? Would he respect in any way the Afrikan worldview and Afrikan cultural practices as part of the “freedom” the USA supposedly offers its citizens (inhabitants)? If the answer is “no”, then why are Black news websites and commenters cheering the promotion (appointment) of a person who would kill any and everybody in sight if they threatened his masters, including Afrikans (which is the mission for which he is likely preparing to carry out)?

Afrikan people still have not learned that when an Afrikan male or female is promoted to a high profile position in the inbred mutant albinos (IMAs) institutions of terror this spells doom for Black people globally. What did the mulatto in the white house, mistakenly called Black, do for Afrikan people? What did Kinda-sleezy Rice do? The mulatto Eric Holder? The mulatto Thurgood Marshall? Vernon Jordan? Mulatto HUD secretaries Robert Weaver and Patricia Harris? Surgeon Generals Jocelyn Elders, David Satcher, & Regina Benjamin? Did they do anything of note that improved the collective situation of Afrikan people in the USA or anywhere else for that matter? Yet people on a “pro-black” site are cheering for this eunuch because he supposedly “did all the right things” to make it in the world renowned, most reviled and terroristic military organisation known today. Unless a nation is in an alliance with the USA, no one respects the US military at all. They fear the US military and look forward to the day when it will be brought to heel. In a poll it was determined that people think the US military is the most dangerous threat to world peace today, and yet culturally-alienated Afrikans (negros) are cheering for this occurrence. They don’t understand that this is a military strategy to shift the blame for what the US will be doing to several countries in Afrika and elsewhere in the near future to a Black male and make him the face of terror and worldwide mayhem. This is similar to shifting the blame for the hybridisation and attack on the Japanese identity to Afrikan males engaged in lust fulfillment with Japanese rejects that I discussed in my last blog post. All this, while for decades, nay centuries, white males have been on a sexual rampage all throughout Asia and have literally turned whole countries and nations into whorehouses.

Negros will take anything this pale demon gives you, and lap it up then ask for more. And then kill their own people just for a pat on the head and to hear the inbred mutant albinos (IMAs) say, “good job boy, now go play.”


Commenters on the story had this to say:

“Congrats Sgt Major! “

“One word PROUD.”

 “Congratulation Marine! Nice Feature, but rewrite the Headline…….”
“It is about time”
“this was my goal so many years ago. the best thing I ever done for myself was to join the Marine Corps . love it or hate it you’ll never forget it Semper Fi do or die”
“always faithful ~ congrats sgt maj green…. ooh rah!”

Luckily one commenter had it right:
“I guess they call them ” Devil Dogs ” for a reason. Is it that their masters’ are devils?”
But of course someone had to engage him in an emotional argument whose attempt to live vicariously through this eunuch was rudely interrupted by reality…
“You obviously have no clue what your talking about Sargeant Major Green Commands the utmost respect from every man in the Marine Corps from Pfc to 4 star General what did you ever do to get your piece of the dream? This guy is the master!!! Artie lol”
Original commenter replies back:
“Honor isn’t determined by one’s rank; honor is a matter of integrity and respect for human life. No man who adorns himself in military garb has a respect for human life. They are trained killers, terrorist in the Red, White and Blue of it, or too what ever color the swear their allegiances. You are correct he is a master. A master at lethal combat in respect of his master’s interest; outside of that realm, he is just another terrorist in uniform.”
The irrational and illogical response:
Sorry boss i cant identify there is a big difference between a leader of men like the Sargeant Major and a self hating follower time to stop crying wipe the tears and find solutions to the 3rd week of the month not add to the issue by being the Judge pointing fingers love yourself Arthur
Original commenter realizes whom he is dealing with:

There are going to be some difficult days ahead“~ M.L. King c. 1968
This is probably the one of the few insights MLK was correct about.

As a footnote:

Ironically, I had just watched this lecture by Dr. Gerald Horne who outlines several nations who hired negro armies to fight for them for the promise of justice and equality with whites only to be left holding the bag and betrayed, yet again. After which, the white males proceeded to build up for themselves nations and empires–all at our expense. It seems whites know that if they simply PROMISE Afrikans that we will get a space in their system, then that is all it takes to convince us to kill one another, and anyone else, for the pleasure of being massa’s pets, SMDH

The Global Hybrid Assault

31 05 2015


Can you name one Japanese beauty queen in history? Or for that matter, can you name or recall a beauty queen from any country getting press coverage in the US media unless it involved some sensational scandal? Then why now? This linked article presents a “public interest” exposé about a Japanese hybrid for the purpose of furthering psychological terrorism on Afrikan people. The enemies of Afrikans have stepped up their psycho-biogenetic assault recently by installing hybrids as the new standard image for geno-culturally distinct groups. It is a necessary tactic to promote confusion and convolute the identity of victims of white hegemony in order for inbred mutant albinos (IMAs/whites) to claim that people who are unnatural beings (that is, hybrids, IMAs, kwk) on the planet are a representation of the advanced ideals which humanity is now manifesting as opposed to actually being an indication of its rampant degeneracy and depravity. Most of these hybrids are only here because of the failure of Afrikans to reject whiteness as a standard of beauty or to quell the aspiration to attain “whiteness” itself, in the manner of the Fanonian desire to “grasp white civilization and make it mine.”¹


So as to mitigate their own inferiority issues, Afrikans have taken to engaging in rampant hybridization with the unwanted rejects of other geno-cultural groups. This behavior contributes to propagating this madness of wanton hybridization as a self-inflicted wound in a war of eradication against Afrikans. It goes without saying that the primary aggressors in this relationship are the whites themselves and their love of disorder, (the only environment wherein they can thrive) which compels them to seek weak Afrikans among us and confer onto them trinkets such as, academy awards, nobel peace prizes, fake hair, and non-Afrikan sex mates. The linked article tries to assert that hybrids “challenge the identity” of a pre-existing geno-culture or race. This is absurd and is a conceptual tool being used by whites to foster confusion. It belies statistical reasoning to assume that because hybrids are created through sexual licentiousness then the essential constitution of the naturally occurring geno-cultural group is now different and therefore must reexamine its ontology and “spiro-genetic”² nature. The whites are using the media to magnify the occurrence of these entities so as to advertise an alleged “new age” on the planet. The unseen implication of this psychic violence to all who are susceptible is that if other “non-white” IMAs will assist the western Eurasian IMAs (whites) in the degeneracy of interracial procreation, then they (all whites) together can rid the globe of Afrikan people and create a new group of sexual toilets for whites to enjoy throughout eternity; people with no connection to spirit nor the psychological historicity of Afrikans from time immemorial. Groups of homogenous geno-cultures are being propositioned to embrace this perversion so to further break-up ethno-national traditions and values so that the IMA global imperial project of terror can breathe life for a few more decades, if not centuries.


Essentially, the character of the IMA imperial project is to release energy which is contained in natural formations so that IMAs and their non-white worshipers can consume what was previously a restricted power source and was used primarily to ensure the survival of a particular living entity. Most notably, this was done to Black-body humanity itself or Afrikan people. They have replicated this business model in other forms of “exploration”, chiefly in mining and oil extraction. IMAs typically will find some naturally occurring geological or physical formation and destroy it so as to release the energy contained within. (Think of the atomic bomb/Manhattan project as well!) They consume the energy like vampires and leave the waste product strewn throughout the environment without regard to the implications for divine order. The same continues to occur with regard to their “relationship” to Afrikans. They break-up our natural inclination to group-bond and participate in human activity with each other so they can gather the useful entities among us for themselves by awarding them with white wives/husbands, university degrees, high ranking positions in their institutions of brigandage and destruction, for example the U.S. department of justice attorney general Loretta Lynch or former U.S. secretary of state Condi Rice, among a litany of others. As a result, this process leaves the rest of Afrikans bereft. The many Afrikans who would have benefited from the talent of these individuals, (and incidentally who within a healthy Black-body humanity would have had to have a reciprocal relationship with the rest of Afrikans in performing their divine function by utilizing their individual talents within our society) are left stupefied by fake religions and chasing after cults of personality.


Gullible alienated-Afrikans (negros) who are victims of imbibing a false and foreign ideology fall prey to this psychological and bio-genetic attack, and through selfish personal aggrandizement, participate in sexual genocide against Afrikan humanity as a whole. The products of their lust are then displayed in various capacities so as to convince more confused victims that this behavior is “the way forward” and that any allegiance to one’s own geno-culture (race) is backwards and “racist”. Hybrids are given titles such as state’s attorney, national security advisor, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, news anchor, action movie star, beauty queen, and president of the U.S. so as to convince Afrikans that our future lies in destroying our genetics through immoral sexual practices and procreation with non-Afrikans. They are then offered up as bed-wenches and “new negroes” to the ongoing perpetrators of the rape of the planet (IMAs) and all done superficially hidden under a faux multicultural veneer. We must reject the whites and their offspring as being one of us if we are to survive as a healthy, distinct, and self-interested geno-cultural group.



1. Fanon, Franz (1952) Black Skins, White Masks. France. Editions de Seuil.

2. “Spiro-genetic” is a term used by author Odwirafo-Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan which refers to the cosmological nature of Afrikans’ spiritual origins and essence. It indicates that primary in the universe is spirit and this is the matter from which Afrikans emerged and to which we still have a direct connection. This connection is transferred through genetics among Afrikan blood circles only and excludes non-Afrikans and their offspring.

House Negroes On Parade

2 05 2015

The litany of house negroes parading their love of their masters’ burning house by running to get buckets of water to douse the flames of its demise has been absolutely astonishing in the past few days. From the mother who in advance of the slave master’s whipping, willingly beat her own son in front of the international media to show her master that no Black men were going to come from her womb…

To the eunuch who devoted his life to fighting to solve white people’s problems declaring his love for a country which is not his…

To every decrepit politician, preacher, and pimp before the microphones and cameras rehashing every tired and hackneyed admonition, slogan, and tautology…

To Culturally-Alienated AfrikaNs or CAANs (pronounced “coons”) having a fake debate about their degree of devotion to negro-ness; a debate which is then used as content for meaningless discussions on the various Internet radio shows and discussion groups as to which eurocentrically devoted scholar, Michael Eric Dyson or Cornell West, is a bigger sell-out and the most irrelevant to the problems of Afrikan people…

To so-called conscious Afrikans stating that this righteous uprising by the brave Afrikan youth in Baltimore, USA is misguided and will lead to failure because the true goal of many conscious Afrikans is playing dress-up as an Afrikan and gaining attention for their outward display of alleged Afrikan consciousness…

Our enemies use sex as a weapon and display the hybrid products of their lasciviousness as a savior for our problems.

This parade has been totally, completely, and categorically appalling! This should be a testament to all Afrikan warriors about the time and the true nature of our enemies. This should be a wake-up call to the necessity that anything and everything we do from now on must be focused on our Afrikan survival and our interconnection with Afrikan people.

Message to the adherents of the so-called “one drop rule”

4 01 2015

Part 1

Consider the following:


“The principal policy spheres where we make recommendations are in refugee dispersal, housing immigrations and national identity.”


This is the opening statement to Chapter 7: Conclusions and Recommendations of the report entitled “Changing Places: ‘Mapping the white British response to ethnic change’” Keep that title in mind as you read this blog entry. The report “Changing Places” was published and released in December 2014


This is a report prepared by DEMOS, a think-tank based in the UK. I checked its website and every single one of its board of trustees, and members of the advisory group was white…except two. One was an American-Afrikan and the other was a hybrid. The Afrikan also serves on a US based think-tank that researches migration policy and diversity analytics. He is essentially giving information to Western Europeans (Eurasians a.k.a. Inbred Mutant Albinos or “IMAs”) about Afrikans in the USA. The hybrid works at Pricewaterhouse Coopers, LLP and the Croyden Council and leads its Africa Business Group where he is apparently “developing opportunities in emerging markets.” So he is another hybrid front man for white hegemony.


Among the research associates there were a couple of South Eurasians possibly from India, although I am not sure. These two were not the researchers in this study, but for the confused culturally-alienated Afrikans who think its all about the bankers and the 1%, how do you explain the fact that think-tank after think-tank are staffed with armies of whites (IMAs) developing policy to destroy Afrikans? Apparently, some of these white people aren’t opposed to creating mulattoes either…just not too many of them.


Here are some of the recommendations:

(Statements written in italics are mine. I used BOLD in some of their statements to draw your attention to them.)


Refugee and social tenant dispersal

“We do not recommend that the Home Office disperse large numbers of refugees or …tenants from diverse areas to homogeneously white areas with low population turnover. Generally speaking, (white) attitudes to immigration harden as the ethnic composition of the (white) population shifts, and soften with habituation and assimilation. Avoiding rapid shifts in people’s cultural environment should be a policy goal. In this respect, dispersing refugees to heavily white areas with little prior experience of immigration is a recipe for discontent. It introduces disruption into the lives of refugees while engendering unease from white British residents unfamiliar with ethnic diversity.”


“…it remains the case that too many refugees are being dispersed to inappropriately homogeneous or close-knit areas.”


“…white British attitudes to immigration…expressed the highest levels of hostility.”


So here is evidence that IMAs have a policy formation process afoot which includes displacing Afrikans and creating white-only spaces for whites to live. Afrikan only spaces like the continent itself are not allowed to exist. We Afrikans must “integrate” with everyone else and develop some bogus multicultural consciousness to facilitate whites’ desire to use us to create economic growth while keeping places for whites only to practice their sense of being white (read: superior)


House building

“Earlier we noted that rapid ethnic change is associated with greater white hostility to immigration. Minorities are likely to be disproportionately represented among those taking up residence in newly built homes in Greater London… Our research leads us to warn against development that radically alters the ethnic makeup of existing (white) areas. We therefore recommend…schemes, which help insulate existing (white) communities from rapid ethnic change… “


“Sharp shifts in local ethnic composition caused by new housing development tend to increase white British threat levels. If these are viewed as being pushed by a planning inspectorate from on high, the policies may prove toxic. Indeed, they could further alienate the white British population from immigration and the political elite.”


So here we see a recognition of an agreed social relationship with the IMA political “elite” and the normal everyday IMAs of all stripes in contradistinction to the interests of non-IMAs, and especially Afrikans’ desire to maintain our own geno-cultural compositions. Let’s read further.


“Right to Build*(see glossary below) is a sound idea insofar as it focuses on the housing needs of existing (mainly white) residents. It also limits the potential for rapid ethnic shifts while accommodating a gentle rise in diversity. Even in heavily white British communities, minorities, being younger, are likely to have greater housing need and take up a disproportionate number of new places. The local authority* (see glossary) will tend to be somewhat more diverse than homogeneous communities; this, too, will offer an outlet for gradual ethnic dispersion. Self-build (i.e. Right to Build) thereby ensures (economic) growth while calibrating the pace of ethnic change to local conditions. Such considerations should not stand in the way of building the housing London needs, but authorities should try to mitigate the effects the best they can.”


Here is quite suggestive evidence of a methodical plan to regulate, yet intentionally create the prospects for interracial sexing and the creation of hybrids with IMAs who have sexual fetishes for non-IMAs. They intend to provide the non-whites “gradually” for availability to IMAs sexually under the guise of “socioeconomic development” so IMAs will still have the hegemonic advantage within this social milieu. This results in culturoeconomic (socioeconomic) destruction for Afrikans.


“Garden cities*(see glossary) should form a central pillar of new housing development as they ensure a mix of population from the start, without a memory of former ethnic homogeneity, while diverting rapid change away from long-term residents of existing communities.”


So here we see as Amos Wilson discusses in “Black on Black Violence” about the necessity of amnesia being present in the victims and targets of the system of white hegemonic domination for it to function properly and in the interests of IMAs. (pp. 57 & 83, Wilson, 1990)


This next part is very interesting…


“We live in a world of jet planes where one part of the world is ageing (sic) and wealthy (Stolen wealth and they are dying to hold onto it!) while the other is youthful and poor, (As a result of having been robbed by the aging and wealthy people), so immigration is likely to continue into the foreseeable future. What is urgently needed therefore is a positive view of English ethnicity in an age of migration: how today’s Englishmen and women should think about themselves and their descendants. One possible solution is liberal ethnicity – a form of ethnic identity which absorbs outsiders through intermarriage while retaining a relatively fixed set of myths and symbols.” (This was called having Black skins but wearing white masks by Franz Fanon, an Afrikan who married a IMA woman)

“People whom we currently define as ‘mixed race’ are projected to be the largest group in England by the end of this century. History is replete with mixed-background nationalist figures such as the half-Spanish Irish nationalist Eamon DeValera”, (sic)

A half Spanish-Irish is still an Eurasian-IMA from western Europe. The problem here is sometimes IMAs use the term “race” to mean nationality, i.e. German race, British race, Irish race, kwk, but they have vanquished our nationhood linguistically by calling us the Negro race)

“…mixed-race black American intellectual WEB Du Bois (mixed with what?) or part-Indonesian Geert Wilders in the Netherlands”. (Which part was Indonesian?)


I don’t know who the other people are but it is interesting that they refer to W.E.B. Dubois as “mixed-race black” and confused Afrikans almost without exception refer to him as Black or an African-American, Why can’t he be a mixed-race white? Marcus Garvey was the most notable exception to this when he rightly referred to Dubois as a mulatto.


“In other societies, the loss of particular traits, such as the Irish or Welsh language, ignited a more self-conscious project of identity. Therefore if history is a guide, England’s mixed-race group will probably identify with their English rather than non-English lineage as they grow in numbers and confidence.”


This logically means that the nature of social relations will facilitate this shift in identity. Hence this identity will be intentionally engineered, which also presupposes the engineering of ways in which interracial coupling will be used to help IMAs and hurt Afrikans and the Afrikan identity. This is why you will see more IMAs declaring publicly about how much they love their hybrid babes, or that they don’t have a problem with interracial dating and confused alienated Afrikans will think “Oh whites are okay, there are just a few bad ones, but those will die out so its okay to marry some of the good ones and have babies” Additionally when this age-old trap is pointed out by Afrikan-Centered Biological Nationalists we will be accused of being “racist” and not allowing individuals to make their own choices. We are warning you about this danger of Afrikan genetic annihilation because of our understanding that the logical foundation of any and all social relations with whites relies on a definition of whites as superior. Continuing…


“The idea that a more inclusive English ethnic group, along with their traditions and memories, can endure as the majority could offer many white British a greater sense of comfort, optimism and continuity. (Read: The mulattoes will carry on the “British traditions” for you) It offers an important identity choice to mixed-race individuals and to minorities who believe their children or grandchildren are likely to blend into the majority group. In the USA, the noted immigration historian John Higham remarked that immigration worries waxed and waned in step with the majority’s confidence in its ability to assimilate newcomers. So long as the ethnic majority accepts minorities as fully equal and legitimate members of the British nation, a more optimistic majority ethnicity should improve ethnic relations in the country. This is not a project the Government can or should embrace …it must remain neutral. Yet it is a communal vision that individuals, groups and media outlets in civil society could endorse. Many white British, mixed-race people and assimilation-minded minorities might embrace it. As long as this ethnic majority respects the rights of minorities it could prove an engine of integration, helping alleviate popular anxieties in an age of mass mobility.”



So here I think I have shown definitive proof of a master plan to create hybrids for the benefit of whites in a Western Eurasian nation significantly responsible for the destruction of Afrika nations. Remember, I mentioned that they had an alienated Afrikan on their staff who also served on a US think-tank. Are we so naïve to believe that this exact policy will not be implementing in the US and other IMA colonial states? Here they have clearly declared they want to develop assimilation-minded non-whites, to create hybrids who will be charged with carrying on THE BRITISH TRADITION, not the Afrikan tradition, and will subsequently further mix with IMAs, not Afrikans. So therefore, the one-drop rule is known, by their policy planners to not only to be incorrect, but is ALWAYS used to the benefit of whites and not Afrikans. If “the Black gene is dominant”, how come the production of hybrids has no benefit for maintaining Afrikan culture, standards of beauty, and generating power for us? Of course it goes without saying that many culturally alienated Afrikans are going to be jumping for joy at this prospect because their fondest desires for sexual self-annihilation will be realized. I guess this is what they meant by the title of the report, “Changing Places”.





Garden cities Policy focusing on building new self-sufficient communities rather than building housing developments around existing communities.


Local authority A geographical census division with a population typically ranging from 100,000 to 200,000 people.


Self-build (Right to Build) Policy in which local residents rather than developers are granted permission to build homes.


The full report can be seen here and downloaded for free

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